Each work in this exhibition explores the fragile nature of the present and the dichotomies that frame the here and now. Within this, however, there are three distinct bodies of work that explore these concepts through specific lenses. Study of Nowhere I and II, Between the End and the Beginning, Artifacts I-III, Passage, and Study of Restraint I respond to the ephemeral nature of time and investigate the spaces between creation and destruction.

Obrigadu and Railaco Craic explore similar key concepts through specific constraints that directly reflect experiences from a recent cultural immersion in Timor Leste. These images are inspired by the traditional architecture of bamboo cladding and palm woven panels, the village landscape around Dili, the recent history of Timor Leste and the humility and resilience of the Timorese people.

Closed Guard (I-V) and Closed Guard (I-V) again use the key concepts but are experiential pieces inspired by the practice of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. These works draw on the notion of the expansion and compression of space, the sequential nature of the techniques studied and the philosophical framework that underpins this form of martial art framework that underpins this form of martial art.