What has lead us to this point?
During the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world began to cease normal functions and practices of capitalism and daily life. Art galleries closed to adhere to regulations. We, as a small independent gallery in an inner-city suburb, were left with an art exhibition (43 Minutes by The KACA Projects) strung in a kind of limbo, unable to be viewed and promoted, nor able to be dismantled and bumped out. We suggested to the artists of The KACA Projects that there may be a way to evolve the concept of the fifth wall and what the KACA Projects had intended to explore. Through online discussions, The KACA Projects, together with Side Gallery, put together a COVID-19 version of an artist residency and invited the members from the original wall-painting experiment to become the new caretakers of the fifth wall. The KACA Projects relinquished power and control of the project in a ceremonial handover statement (below), and each caretaker was given a week to use the space; however they saw fit.
Ceremonial handover statement
“The KACA Projects have ceded artistic authorial power over the wall, and the objects associated with it, to a Caretaker Committee.”

Susan Lincoln aka Candy Mohair 2020

Susan Lincoln aka Candy Mohair 2020

Susan Lincoln aka Candy Mohair 2020

Susan Lincoln aka Candy Mohair 2020

Susan Lincoln aka Candy Mohair 2020

Susan Lincoln aka Candy Mohair 2020

Daniel Sherington

Daniel Sherington

Daniel Sherington

Daniel Sherington 2020

Daniel Sherington

Daniel Sherington

Genine Larin 2020

Genine Larin 2020

Genine Larin 2020

Genine Larin 2020

Genine Larin 2020

Natasha Narain 2020

Natasha Narain 2020

Natasha Narain 2020

Natasha Narain 2020

Natasha Narain 2020

Laura Brinin & Leesa Hickey aka LELA 2020

Laura Brinin & Leesa Hickey aka LELA 2020

Laura Brinin & Leesa Hickey aka LELA 2020

Laura Brinin & Leesa Hickey aka LELA 2020

Laura Brinin & Leesa Hickey aka LELA 2020

Laura Brinin & Leesa Hickey aka LELA 2020

Laura Brinin & Leesa Hickey aka LELA 2020

Laura Brinin & Leesa Hickey aka LELA 2020